[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation. How to install Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation? In this article we will discuss the steps to install VMWare Workstation.
Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution which allows users to perform advanced penetration testing and security auditing. It runs on multiple platforms and is freely available and accessible to both information security professionals and hobbyists.
Know More about Kali Linux: https://www.kali.org/docs/introduction/what-is-kali-linux/
Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 1 Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Step-By-Step-Installation-of-Kali-Linux-on-VMWare-Workstation-1024x657.webp)
Table of Contents
Tools that we will use for Kali Linux Installation:
- VMWare Workstation 17 Pro
- Kali Linux ISO Image.
Check the video on – How to install VMWare Workstation 17 Pro.
How to install VMware Workstation 17 Pro | Setup a virtual lab | Step by step guide
Once VMWare 17 pro is installed, we will install the Kali Linux.
Get the Kali Linux ISO Image.
- Navigate to: https://www.kali.org/get-kali/
- Click on Installer Images.
- Select 64-bit
- Click on the Installer and Download will start
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 2 Get the Kali Linux ISO Image.](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Kali-Linux-on-VMWare-1.webp)
On this page we have 2 options. Installer Images and Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines are pre-built machines that you can import into VMWare Workstation directly. However, it comes with pre-configuration. We will look into getting the installer image and install it as per our requirements.
Make sure that the file being downloaded is [.iso] file.
Configure the VMWare WorkStation for Custome OS Install
- Launch VMWare Workstation
- Go to File and click New Virtual Machine
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 3 Configure the VMWare WorkStation for Custome OS Install](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image.png)
- On the next screen select “Custom Advanced” and click Next twice.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 4 image 1](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-1.png)
- Select the option: I will install the operating system later.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 5 New Virtual Machine Wizard in VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-2.png)
- Next screen is “Guest Operating System”. Select “Linux” and Select “Other Linux 6.x kernel 64-bit” and click Next.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 6 Select a Guest Operating System in VmWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-3.png)
- Name the Virtual Machine and Select the installation Location. You can leave them as Default. However, in my experience, if you are running One-Drive to back-up your files, as-soon-as you select the default location, the Virtual Machine will start being backed up by the One-Drive. In most cases we do not want to do that.
So, either exclude the Virtual Machine folder from Backup or Install in a different drive or folder.
The default location of the Virtual Machine will be: C:\Users\<User-ID> \Documents\Virtual Machines\<VM-Name>. You need to exclude this location from Back-up in One-Drive.
In my case, I have another Drive (D) which is not added to One-Drive and hence, I will change the location of the installation.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 7 image 4](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-4.png)
- After you change the installation location, click “NEXT”
- Now you get the “Processor Configuration” screen. It is your wish to leave it as Default or Allocate more processors. However, it depends upon the number of processors on your Host Machines. Chose accordingly or leave it as default and click “NEXT”
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 8 Processor Configuration in VMWare WorkStation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-5.png)
- Now you will see “Memory for the Virtual Machine Screen”. Here you can allocate the Memory for the Virtual Machine. This too depends upon the memory available to your Host machine.
- Keep in mind that your Host Machine will also need a minimum recommended memory to function. If at any point of time, the guest machine uses the Maximum Allocated memory, either the Host or the Guest Operating System will crash. In the picture below let us see the details.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 9 Virtual Memory Configuration Screen in VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-6.png)
In this case, I want to allocate 2GB Memory for Kali Linux and click “NEXT”
- Now we are on “Network Type”. We can change this later; however, we will use the “Use network address translation (NAT)” and click Next. You can also use “Use host-only networking”.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 10 Select a Network Type in VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-7.png)
- We are on “Select I/O Controller Types”. We will leave it as Default Recommended and click on NEXT.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 11 image 8](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-8.png)
- Now we need to select the “Disk Type”. This also we will leave as Default and Recommended and click “NEXT”
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 12 image 9](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-9.png)
- Next screen is “Select a Disk”. Chose the option “Create a new Virtual disk” and click NEXT.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 13 Create a Virtual Disk in VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-10.png)
- Now on “Specify Disk Capacity” we need to select the “Maximum disk size”.
On this screen there are some options. Let us look into these options as well.
Option 1: Allocate All Disk Space Now
If this option is checked it will instantly take the Maximum Allocated disk size from the Drive and reserve it for the Virtual Machine.
If you leave it unchecked, it will gradually expand the disk to Maximum Allocated disk Size, as and when required.
Option 2: Store Virtual Disk as a Single File
The Virtual Disk will be stored as a Single file.
Option 3: Split Virtual Disk Into Multiple Files.
This will store the Virtual Disk in Multiple chunks. The Virtual Disk files are created with “.vmdk” extension. In this picture below, the Virtual Disk is stored with an option “Split Virtual Disk Into Multiple Files” and we can see multiple “.VMDK” files.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 14 image 11](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-11.png)
So, we now know what we need to select. You can select the options as per your requirements. A single VMDK file is easy to move.
However, I will proceed with the options as below:
Maximum Disk Size: 20 GB
Allocate all disk space now: Unchecked
Split Virtual Disk into multiple files: Selected
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 15 image 12](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-12.png)
Click “NEXT”
- On “Specify Disk File” leave it as default and click “NEXT”.
- Finally click on “FINISH”. Now you can see the newly created Virtual Machine on the VMWare Workstation Library on the left.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 16 Virtual Machine Library](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-13.png)
Now that the Virtual Machine is created, you get an option to “Power on this virtual machine”. However, there is no “Operating System” installed. Now we need to add a CD/DVD drive and load “.ISO” file that we downloaded.
Steps to Add the CD/DVD drive and load .iso file into it.
- Select the Newly Installed Virtual Machine.
- Click on CD/DVD (SATA). It will open the CD/DVD window.
- Select “Connect at power on”
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 17 Add a CD/DVD to Virtual Machine in VMWare Workstation](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-14.png)
- On this screen select “Use ISO image file” and click on “Browse”.
- Navigate to the downloaded Kali Linux ISO file, select it and add it. Once added click “OK”
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 18 image 15](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-15.png)
Now it is the time to “Power on the Virtual Machine”. So, select the Virtual Machine and click “Power on this virtual machine”.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 19 image 16](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-16.png)
Once you Power On the Virtual Machine, it will load the .iso installer from the CD/DVD.
Note: To navigate inside the Virtual Machine, you need to click inside it. To come out of the Virtual Machine in VMWare Workstation, press CTRL+ALT keys.
On the Virtual Machine, select Install. (Move through the Allow Keys and Press Enter)
Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux
Once you Power On the Virtual Machine, it will load the .iso installer from the CD/DVD.
Note: To navigate inside the Virtual Machine, you need to click inside it. To come out of the Virtual Machine in VMWare Workstation, press CTRL+ALT keys.
On the Virtual Machine, select Install. (Move through the Allow Keys and Press Enter)
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 20 Kali Linux Installation Screen](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-17.png)
- Select the Installation Language, using the Arrow Keys and Press Enter.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 21 image 18](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-18.png)
- Select Location:
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 22 image 19](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-19.png)
- Select the Keyboard Layout:
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 23 image 20](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-20.png)
- Now it will load the components and will do the basic configurations.
- Now we will get the screen to “Configure the Network”. Enter a Hostname and press ENTER. I named it as “Byqus-Linux”.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 24 image 21](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-21.png)
- Now create the “Domain Name”. As this is a local install, you can make this up. I will name it as “Byqus.com”. Move to continue through “TAB” key and hit “ENTER”.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 25 image 22](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-22.png)
- Now we are on “Set up Users and Passwords” screen. Enter the “Full Name for the New User”. I would enter my full name “Nitesh Sinha”. Hit “Enter”.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 26 image 23](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-23.png)
- Create a Username. Username is used to login to the Kali Linux. You cannot use Full Name to login.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 27 image 24](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-24.png)
- Create a password for login. Enter the Password and click on Continue. On the next scree “Re-enter password to verify” and click “Continue” again.
Note: Throughout the configuration, you need to select options using the Space-Bar, TAB Key and ENTER key.
- Now Select your TimeZone and Continue.
- Now we need to select the Disk to install the Kali Linux Operating System.
- Chose the “Partitioning Method:” as “Guided – Use Entire Disk” and Continue.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 28 image 25](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-25.png)
- Next screen is to “Select Disk To Partition”. In this case we have only one disk. So simply press “ENTER” to Continue.
- Select the Partitioning Scheme as “All Files in One Partition”
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 29 image 26](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-26.png)
- On the Next screen select: Finish Partitioning and Write Changes to Disk.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 30 image 27](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-27.png)
- On the next screen, confirm whether you want to “Write Changes to disks” Select “Yes” and Proceed.
Now the installation will start. Wait for the installation to complete.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 31 image 28](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-28.png)
- At a point it will take you to the Software Installation screen. On this screen [*] means that the software is selected.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 32 image 29](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-29.png)
If you wish to install GNOME and KDE Plasma, you can move to the option and press Space-Bar to Select.
- Now move to continue using the TAB key and press ENTER. Again, you will see the Software Installation Screen.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 33 image 30](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-30.png)
- During the installation, you will get a screen to Configure GRUB BOOT LOADER. As this is a Virtual Machine on a Single Disk, simply click on Yes to proceed.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 34 image 31](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-31.png)
- Now it will ask you to enter “Device for boot loader installation”. Do not enter a Drive Manually, simply select the Device already listed “/dev/sda” and press Enter.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 35 image 32](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-32.png)
- Finally, you get the Installation Complete screen. Continue from here and you will get the Kali Linux Login Screen.
- Login with the Username and Password that you created earlier.
![[100% Working] Step-By-Step Installation of Kali Linux on VMWare Workstation 36 image 34](https://byqus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/image-34.png)
Once logged in you get the Beautiful Kali Linux Desktop Screen.
That was it. Kali Linux is installed and connected to the Network. Start browsing or start working on it. We will come up with Kali Linux commands and tools in upcoming posts.
Points to Note:
- During Installation, Once you click inside the VMware Kali Linux screen, the cursor will disappear. To bring the cursor back and come out of the VMWare Screen, press CTRL+ENTER.
- You need to manage the navigation and installation options through “TAB”, “SPACEBAR”, and “ENTER” keys.
This is 100% tested and working installation. Please read this article carefully before starting the installation. You can keep it as a guide for step-by-step installation.
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